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The NEXT Dimension

The NEXT Dimension

So ... what area of your life do you feel like may be out of control, kind of struggling, not sure of yourself? Isn't it interesting how when things start to shake in our lives and we get fearful ... but push through, how we make a dimensional breakthrough?

Live Online Event
The NEXT Dimension


What's interesting is how Mark shares the story of how humility was what helped him discover this Natural Law and how this one law may be the most extensive of the 500+ Natural Laws.

Normally podcasts are no longer than 30 minutes, but this one, well ... Mark shares a story from a group of people he plays pickleball with. Most of the time, it seems that men are fearful of sharing their observations of women.  
Mark seems to be different. I guess with being married for 40 years and having 4 daughters and 6 granddaughters and a LOT of other women in your life Mark either had the courage (some may say) to share his observations about women. Or ... maybe the guy is crazy to share these types of stories? You decide.

Mark seems to be like Tom Kunz and other amazing people who tend to "Offend the mind to reveal the heart." Share this with many people and see what they think about it. Good or bad ... love or hate, it will likely generate a response from anyone. :-)

Audio Podcast

Video Podcast


Powerful Video

When you watch this video ...

How do I Discover my Life Vision?

Life GPS is life changing!

Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you're asking HOW will Life GPS change your life forever? It's a great question. It's actually hard to put into words. In a car we use a GPS to get us from one location to another. Life GPS is like that for our life. It helps us first and foremost to better understand ourselves. It helps us to use our passions to achieve our full potential. It also helps us to help those around us to help them achieve their full potential. Join today and help others around us to do the same.

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