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The Secret About Time

The Secret About Time

Did you know that 33% of those you ask what their biggest challenge is, will say something directly with time? Did you know that over 95% of those you ask "If you had more time would that help you solve your biggest challenge and a lot of other things?" ... will say "Yes." So if time is such a big challenge / problem for people why does it seem that we can go our whole lives and never solve it?

Live Online Event
The Secret About Time


What's interesting is that the amount of time has very little to do with what's going on in our lives and has everything to do with how we think about time. Time is very different from many in that you can save money and spend it later. Time you can not. On the other hand, time can be very much like money. If we work hard, at the right things, and are wise stewards of our money, we'll likely have more money. The same thing is true if we're wise stewards of our time, we will have a lot of free time.

We'll make an agreement with you. If you go through The 30-Day Challenge on The Secret About Time, with two other people and one mentor, you won't ever complain about not having enough time / free time.  

Audio Podcast

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When you watch this video ...

Do you have an abundance of time? Actually ... we all do, but most don't even know it. We all have 10,080 minutes every week. If we use that time wisely, we can receive an infinite amount of time.

Life GPS is life changing!

Which of these four shapes would you tend to like the most? A cube, a pyramid, a wavy line or a ball? Which of these four things would cause you the most frustration in any area of life ... Out of Order, Out of Control, Boring / Not Fun, Conflict with others?

If you're asking HOW will Life GPS change your life forever? It's a great question. It's actually hard to put into words. In a car we use a GPS to get us from one location to another. Life GPS is like that for our life. It helps us first and foremost to better understand ourselves. It helps us to use our passions to achieve our full potential. It also helps us to help those around us to help them achieve their full potential. Join today and help others around us to do the same.

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